Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weekend fun

We spent the weekend in New Ulm, hanging out with family, watching softball and being tour guides for Annie/Dooley :) It was a great weekend for the above comments, not such a great weekend for the littlest member of the party. She sleeps terribly when we're away from home; unable to settle in, despite my deepest efforts. So today, she was in rare form and completely unhappy at lunch. So after fighting with her to eat something, anything really (including pudding!), I gave up. I was hungry, not to mention completely tired from getting only 2.5 hours of sleep last night. She asked for the salt shaker and I gave it to her. And she poured. And poured. And poured out the salt. And I laughed because she was happy, which meant I could be happy too. (oh yea, and we were at a restaurant so I didn't have to clean it up!).
This adorable peanut was a saint for me today! She must have been able to see just how very tired I was. She obeyed without having to tell her up-teen times over again. And she was in her glory this morning at Hunter's game joining the girls on the bench, and if you look closely, you'll see she's hanging onto Hunter's dog, Halle's, leash (she was hiding in the shade). What more could a little girl ask for: surrounded by wonderful pre-teens and pretending to own a puppy!
PS: Daddy had a great time golfing this weekend! His first and second round of the year...that compared to my mom who already has 53 rounds completed! And yes, those are all 18 hole rounds.

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