Monday, June 26, 2017

Day trip to Franconia sculpture park

One day early last week, we buckled the kids into the car and headed north in search of some fun. The idea started because Ryan wanted to drive into Wisconsin in search of some 4th of July entertainment, and then morphed into "let's drive up to Franconia Sculpture park and head into Wisconsin from there!". Good thing he doesn't mind when I plan our trips :)

As we drove (nearly an hour and a half!) to the park, we chatted about how we have some pretty cool things to do in our very own state, but instead of exploring them, we have always traveled out of state in search of something new. 
Admittedly, backwards. 
Needless to say, we were all pleased as punch to arrive and have a chance to not only stretch our legs, but see something new.

The place is sort of a few football fields worth of sculptures that you can not only look at, but also explore. Seems that it's actually encouraged to climb up on them! 

It was a little drizzly that morning but nothing that ruined our plans. We even got to play a little "Where's Lincoln?" as he climbed around this makeshift playground. 

And then, from out across the way, Sidney (the only one of us who had actually been there before), asked if we could walk all the way to the back and see the sculptures across from the parking area. Sure, why not? We were in no hurry. 
Let's just say the conversation grew silly as we approached this thing. There was no way we would have believed it to be what it obviously looks like....but the description told the truth. It was a gigantic male penis. Lovely.  

We later landed in Marine on St Croix and enjoyed an amazing lunch at a place where the water actually runs under the building into the St. Croix. History and fun all wrapped up into one day! So glad to have spent the day finding new adventures and making family memories. We have more travel plans in this great state to stay tuned!

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