Thursday, October 06, 2016

Snapshots from daycare

Our little (or big?) guy has been having a great time lately at his "school" aka-daycare. We get frequent updates about his day, but even better are pictures they send. They stop us in our tracks and sure are a highlight of our day as we buzz about our work. He's always smiley and happy and that makes us relax knowing he is in loving hands. 

This lawnmower is one he has claimed for himself....and thankfully they have more than one available so sharing isn't typically a problem. It's the little things; and he adores this mower. Each and everyday at pick up time, he's mowing and always has a big grin on his face. 

Nap time pictures just melt my heart. Plus it's a wild surprise that he just lays down and goes to sleep. No nuk, no stuffed animals, no any extras. Just his cot and his cozy blanket. 

Seeing him at meal times, sitting beside his buddies, with his red cup (allergy identifier), puts our minds at ease knowing they are taking his needs seriously and keeping him safe. 

Oh this sweet cutie pie. He sure is a ham for his teachers and it seems they love him just as much as we do. He's still working on defending himself among the bully in the class, and we hear about it daily. Poor Lincoln is not the only kid who is pushed, hit or bit. But despite those moments, he still puts a smile on and loves his days at school! 

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