Sunday, October 30, 2016

Lincoln-age 3

 And just like that this little guy is already 3. How in the world could that be? One friend commented to me on Lincoln's birthday, "it seems like he was just born!". Isn't that the truth. I remember the moment he was born, just like it was yesterday. How quickly he arrived (45 minutes after my water broke!) and the up and down of that delivery where it felt like I might not be awake to see it all unfold (I have some odd interactions with epidurals that we may have forgot to tell anyone in the rush of everything). I remember the exact moment that the door to our room opened and the girls walked in for the very first time, the flood of emotions having our entire family together for the very first time. I remember every detail. And so, yes, it does feel like he was just born; oh how quickly those 3 years have gone.

He continues to touch so many people with his outgoing personality, and cute sweet voice. People will forever comment about his beautiful curly locks and his darkest brown eyes. He has the hearts of almost the entire elementary school and it seems that everyone knows him. He is Mr. Loved, that is for sure. He gets high-fives and 'knucks" from friends, fellow students, teachers and staff. And then there's his most favorite friend (of Regan's), Addyson who gets hugs and kisses. Lucky girl :) 

How do I describe him at 3 years old? Here's a bit of our favorite little boy
* Biggest toy interests: trains, cars, balls.
* Biggest sport interests: hockey, football and watching the girls play "fofball" (softball)
* When he sees/does something he likes, he screams "NICE" only he says it like the way a man would scream at his football team for scoring. It's hilarious! 
* The boy is learning empathy, always concerned when someone gets hurt and quick to offer support. 
* He loves to hop from one foot to the other, slowly and methodically. It's so funny that he belly laughs at himself doing this. 
* He eats his meal and then, when he decides he is done, will take one last bite, chew it up and spit it back out. This little habit needs to stop. Cuz Regan can't stand the sight of it anymore. 
* He still loves his nuk (mostly only at nap or bedtime) and we can't seem to break him of it. I keep reading he will ditch it when he's ready....but I wonder if we should just cut off the tip. There are 1.5 left (one's partially broken) and I refuse to buy more. 
* He plays hard and sleeps hard, still napping 2-3 hours/day. 
* He cannot let me say "I love you" back to him. He has to end with an I love you; it can't come from me. This is a funny dialogue to hear.
* Ryan repeatedly gets hollered at for pulling down the upper sunglasses compartment in the car "no up daddy!".
* The kid is a wiz at our iPhones, iPods and iPads...even has taught me a thing or two.
* He speaks in full sentences, but his listening skills are horrendous. Five thousand times a day he says "what?". Which is met with "Listen Lincoln!", to which he replies "ookkaayyy"
* The boy doesn't know what a fork is used for, nope, he eats like a cave man.
*He loves to show us things that are "koo kiny" aka: too tiny. It's Ryan's favorite saying :)
* He is a spit fire. Fast and fun, always on the go.
* But incredibly sweet, always ready to give a hug or a snuggle.

Love you birthday boy!

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