Thursday, October 27, 2016

Lincoln-birthday eve

Tonight I put to bed our 2 year old for the very last time. For tomorrow he will wake as a THREE year old!
So tonight, let's take it back a few years.... to the last time I went to bed pregnant. I loved being pregnant. Every single time, every single minute of all 9 (10 really!) months! I'm one of those people who had pretty easy pregnancies and never seemed to mind the nausea, lack of sleep, waddle in my walk, or any other "perk". I knew it was a blessing and I never took it for granted. I'd do it all over again another 10 times!
Thankfully, as my coworkers so lovingly tell me, I "tend to deflate well"!
This was taken roughly 18 hours before Lincoln was born (also my easiest birth).

And the day these two got to meet their little brother for the very first time. Having our sweet little boy enter our family was the most precious time of our lives. He has been a ball of joy and we have loved him from the very start.

Oh how I miss those big squishy cheeks (and arms and legs and button nose), which have now slimmed down with his always-on-the-move demeanor and non stop chatter. He was, by far, the easiest baby I have ever known. From birth-12 months, he slept, he nursed and he played. He let me hold him all day long when I could, and boy did we snuggle that first year.
And then he started walking....and he hasn't stopped moving since! He's hard to keep up with and I'm convinced a mom invented hoods for my own sake (yes, I have been known to grab his hood just in the knick of time).
Tomorrow when he wakes, we will celebrate our 3 year old and love him up just like the day we met him.
Happy Birthday Eve Lincoln!
We love you :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ-Happy Birthday Lincoln, we love you too. Hope you will have a wonderful year.