Thursday, September 03, 2015

22 months

I need to hurry up and get this posted before it's long-overdue! Just a bit ago, Lincoln added a number and is now 22 months old. He's growing tall and lean, but with some nice chunky ankles still :) The last month was a big one as he got his first hair-cut and learned how to chew gum, all in one day! I looked back and it was this exact time for Sidney when she gave up her pacifier, and I'm thinking that Lincoln needs to follow suit. If he can chew gum, he doesn't need a pacifier! So my goal is to ditch it on Labor Day. Stay tuned.....

As for the rest of life,

* Lincoln is talking more and more, picking up words that he hears and repeating them often. Some of my favorite sounds come directly from his mouth. The way he says "yea" in a high pitch tone can be most adorable, as if he is saying "yea mom, of course!". I love it!
* he is all boy. everyday. Trucks, buses, lions and lawnmowers are some of his favorite things to see and discuss. The world stops in its tracks when the medic-helicopter flies overhead our house. Sadly I had hoped we would see one at the hospital when they visited last week (sad because it means someone is gravely needing medical care). But boy would he have loved it!
* he sleeps with his rear up in the air and his arms/legs/feet tucked underneath his body. Boy is it ever sweet. 
*and in that crib of his, he is joined by 2 special blankets, a small "lovey" blanket and recently, a special stuffed puppy that travels everywhere with us! He spotted the thing as I sifted through the stuffed animal bin to discard some. And he hasn't let go since. It was Regan's dog "Parker" and we all call it that still. 
* he is sweet and snuggly and still loves to run his fingers thru my hair. 
* he asks to go on the potty all of the time, but never produces results. In hopeful it will make a good transition to true potty training soon. 
I know there's more, but that's all for now! Love you big boy! 

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