Friday, July 24, 2015

a morning date with the girls

The kids don't get a whole lot of one on one time with either of us (or two on one unless Lincoln is one of them). During my week off, they asked to go to the bakery. Not the bakery hidden inside a grocery store. Nope, they wanted the real deal bakery. 
Well, when your youngest has an allergy to milk, egg and peanut, going into a bakery is not advised. Sadly, their request had to wait for the weekend. 
But I think you can see by their faces, that it was worth the wait! 
Regan had wanted a bear claw but apparently so did everyone else that morning and they were clear out. So she settled for this giant, big-as-her-head donut! Thankfully she stopped and didn't finish the entire thing :) And our chocolate lover Sidney was thrilled with her choice!
I stuck with coffee :) 
Yippee for a morning date! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: holy moly, those are big !!