Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sever's 2014

We met up with some great friends and headed out to Sever's this year to see what the hype was all about. And I'll admit, I was pretty excited to see all the pumpkins out front set up for a cute back drop. The kids obliged and let me take their picture :) 

Once inside, it was corn pits and giant slides, corn mazes and pig races. We opted out of the camel rides after seeing how short of a trip it really was (and the extra fee was a bit pricey for a 30 second ride). 
Sidney and Emerson rode down the giant slide together and giggled the entire way. Belly laughs, that I could hear from the bottom; they were contagious and I couldn't help but laugh right along with them. 

The kids were overly excited jumping around at all the attractions, it really was hard to keep track of all of them. Inside the exotic petting zoo, Regan waited patiently for a llama to lick the last remnants of some food from her hand. She was giddy to be up close and personal to all those animals.

Lincoln napped most of the afternoon, and when he was awake, he was the easiest kid in the group. No whining from him, no crying, no dashing off to the next attraction. At one point I heard "is he really always like this?, just mellow and easy?"
Although when I stuck him in the corn pit for a quick picture, he was quick to try a nibble of corn. Before he got his hand to his mouth, I emptied the corn from his hand. He attempted the same with the other hand and I was just as quick. He looked up at me with the "what the heck mom?" look. Sorry buddy, that stuff would be bad on so many levels! 

It was a beautiful 'fall' day, with temps into the 80's. We fully expected to be in jeans and sweatshirts when we planned this outing. But instead, there's a bit of sun kissed cheeks and tan skin across our pictures today. 

It didn't take any of us long to realize just what an icky place that corn pit really was. Ryan said "wonder how many mice are in there"....gee thanks! 
But oh it makes for some gorgeous pictures....

We're happy to have experienced this festival, but I think we'll stick to the smaller apple orchards in the coming years. Just something about them that makes us want to go back. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: looks like a fun packed day. Glad the weather was good for you.