Friday, August 09, 2013

Just another day

It was just another (Fri) day in our house today. 
We started the day with a gymnastics class, then some art, followed by lunch, a lot of play time together, a visit to the park and a hop in the pool. We sure know how to keep busy, but always, it's the keeping busy together that we love the best. 
Today, I opted to put aside the dusting and cleaning to soak in the love that these two have to offer. 

The girls did, however, JUMP on the opportunity to wash the car by hand today. No automatic car wash this time. And they were giddy with delight when I let them do most of the scrubbing and rinsing on their own. Boy did we have a good time! I'm not ready for summer to end, and neither are these two sweet girls. 

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