Thursday, August 22, 2013

Beach babes

I finally took a day off work this summer; it's been a LONG time coming :( Sadly, but excitedly, we made the conscious decision for me to save up almost all of my vacation time for baby's arrival this fall. That was an incredibly difficult move to make, considering the girls and I are used to 2-3 full weeks of fun together each summer. 

So today, we lived it up and  after Regan wrapped up a gymnastics camp, the girls asked to have a picnic lunch and head to the beach. I learned that we are not exactly lake/beachy people. The sand, the non-existent bathrooms, the smell of fishy water, etc. 
Apparently I'm more of a chemically treated-chlorinated water kind of gal :) But we enjoyed our time together and soaked in the gorgeous weather. 

We played in the sand, we took a break on our towels and ate apples, chips and sandwiches. 

What's a trip to the beach without building sand castles with your favorite sister :) 
But oh my dear Sidney, your arms look like they could snap in half they are so scrawny. 

So happy to have savored every ounce of our day. After we dusted off the beach, we jumped in the truck and headed home for some chlorine fun! Ahhhh, a mother's delight! 

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