Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Gearing up

We are about 31 weeks into this pregnancy and starting to feel like it's time to get ready! We had another ultrasound last Wednesday and baby is preparing itself for arrival. S/he is now in the correct position and giving me some kicks in the ribs :) Based on measurements taken at the ultrasound, baby is about 2 weeks ahead of schedule in terms of size...... Let's not get too crazy! I just looked at the doctor and she smiled and commented to the girls (who were in attendance) that we should probably buy baby a Halloween outfit to join us trick or treating. They are pretty excited for that! 

I'm enjoying feeling regular baby hiccups, lots of movement, and an overall sense that I'm waddling down the hospital hallways. This heat has been difficult, and I find myself sleeping on ice packs despite our A/C running. I managed to pull a stomach muscle in the recent weeks and boy, that's painful when pregnant! We weren't sure what was happening but happy to learn it wasn't labor, just a muscle. I discovered that if I refrain from bending over to pick up the constant toy on the floor or around the pool, I can avoid pain. The girls are learning to pick up their own toys :) 

I took the time this week to pick out "going home" outfits....what will it be?
Pink or Blue?!

1 comment:

Roz said...

So stinkin' excited for you all! You look great! Hang in there. Heat + pregnancy = no picnic. Dying to find out if you'll add another little girl or travel down the road of raising a son! Either way, he/she is lucky to join such a fun family!! We'll be in town for Elly's mom's benefit on the 7th. Perhaps we'll see you there?