Friday, June 07, 2013

From First to Second

Our toothless, budding first grader has grown and learned and is now a confident second grader! Regan worked very hard this year and managed to get through hours and hours of homework (but not without a LOT of encouragement). Her report card came home with the rest of her year-full of desk items yesterday, and to celebrate her accomplishment, I took the girls for frozen yogurt at our beloved Cherry Berry. When she started first grade back in September, she was apprehensive and nervous about what to expect for the next 9 months. And when she walked out of school yesterday, she bounced with certainty that she had mastered all that was set in front of her this year. We are very proud of who she is becoming and couldn't be more grateful for some amazing teachers/staff at her school. 
Congratulations Regan! 
Welcome to summer, we are so proud of you!! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ says: Congratulatins. Have a great summer.