Friday, June 21, 2013

Baby Belly #3

Baby is growing and it's showing on the outside. I'm beyond the questionable stage and into the full blown "you are pregnant!" stage. 
I don't have any real complaints while pregnant, never really have. Spent the first 9 weeks feeling like I had just gotten off a roller-coaster every moment of the day, but that has since subsided. I'm loving this warm weather because it means cute skirts and dresses on a daily basis and that means a very comfortable waist. 
Baby does a lot of flips and kicks throughout the day, but more importantly, throughout the night. This is a new experience for me, having never really been woken by a pregnancy (other than bathroom trips). Now I lay awake, smiling at the beauty inside of my belly keeping me awake. Let's just hope it figures out night/day in the next 4 months! 
No major cravings to describe. I really wanted a donut a couple of weeks ago but resisted the urge. Shocking! 
My workout routine has slowed down. I still head to the gym 4 days/week, but instead of busting out a 2-4 mile high paced run and some strength training, per the doctor's orders, I'm lazily going through an easy Elliptical or bike workout. 
Lap swimming in our pool hasn't been something I've been able to participate in. I tried a couple of times but each time I get out of the pool with some belly cramps so until I get the all-clear, I'm holding off on any more laps. 
Here's a progression over the the last 8 weeks: 12, 18 and 20 week pictures. 


Anonymous said...

GJ says: better than half way there. Looking good.

Anonymous said...

now in the last picture u look low so,boy I think I'll have to wait a bit longer to be sure!

Roz said...

Lookin' good! Keep up the good work! So excited to hear about the progress! What a sweet time in your life and your family's life!