Friday, April 26, 2013

Year end wrap ups begin

Regan finished up her religion class last week, and with it came a celebration and graduation. I'm proud of all that she has learned this year, and what she has brought home to teach us. Let's just say she pays a lot more attention in church these days. She also made some new friends whom she looked forward to seeing each week. 
I'm also crazy proud of Sidney. You see, we live a fair distance from our church and Sidney/I were forced to find things to do each week during Regan's class. Often, we would spend the hour just sitting in the car talking, working on hand-writing or doing flashcards. Sometimes when it was too cold to sit in the car for an hour, we would stop for a Caribou, or wander the aisles of Walgreens (the only store in the area). And sometimes she would score and we were able to find a wifi connection and she could watch a show on the iPad. Nonetheless, we are all very thankful that the church class school year has ended.

Congratulations Regan, we are very proud of you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ says: great job Regan, they get better every year,