Sunday, April 14, 2013

A trip to Grandma/s house

We spent the weekend in New Ulm hanging out with family and celebrating Grandpa Arnie's 70th birthday! 
First stop was Grandma Jan/Papa's house where the girls got their fix of books, golf and Pac-Man! My mom still has my collection of Berenstein Bear books from when I was a wee one, and let me tell you, the girls are simply in love with those books. These two curled up on the couch and read a stack of them, taking turns reading. My mom then took us to a local store that sells anything from clothing to garden equipment (small town "ya know") and there were tubs and tubs of baby chicks. I had to chuckle when people looked at my girls who were squealing in delight to see baby chicks INside a store!  

Eventually it was off to dinner with a crowd of people celebrating Grandpa who just recently turned 70! And what little girl doesn't want to help grandpa blow out his birthday candles?

Ryan got in on a quick photo opp with P-Money. His shy smile is just so darn adorable! 

It was a quick weekend in town and a lot of poor weather/road conditions but we are happy to have been able to celebrate and hang out with family! 

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