Friday, April 26, 2013


Man it was gorgeous today. Simply lovely. We dropped off Regan at school this morning and headed straight to a park. Sidney couldn't get out of the car fast enough. She bolted for the play ground equipment. And that sunshine felt just so wonderful. 

It was so early in the day that all the slides were still wet from the night before. Sidney thought it was great that she could sit down on a blanket and fly down the slides as a method to drying them off. 

She moved around the park with ease and I could tell she was happy to be back outside. Sid is the kind of kid who doesn't like to be cold. So it was a very very long winter of being cooped up inside. 

We even ran around the tennis courts, and while we didn't actually play tennis, it was a perfect spot to practice some gymnastics! 

I think she wore herself from all that outside play today. I know she wore me out! 

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