Sunday, November 06, 2011

Sidney's first haircut

We're not quite finished with "firsts" in this house. Sidney turned 3 in Sept and we had yet to get her scraggly, blond hair cut. She has a few curls at the end, not a ton, so it was much less traumatic for me compared to Regan's first hair cut (where I feared all of her curls would be forever gone!). Sidney proudly watched Regan get her hair cut, then exclaimed that she wanted nothing to do with a hair cut.
Not to fret, we got her settled into Vicky's chair, holding my hand (no bribes needed) and washing her stinky pig smelling hair (see previous post).
Those first snips were a little emotional for me...a few tears.
She was beaming with pride as she showed off her new hair cut. Not that it really looks much different than before, but it's one more "first" crossed off the list.

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