Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fall leaves!

I used to simply love fall, but then I started to really dislike it based on knowing that winter is what was to come. This weekend was a good reminder of why I LOVED fall; the weather was downright perfect. And we fully took advantage of it, spending every waking moment playing in the sunshine.

It was the perfect opportunity to clean up the last of the fall leaves, and the girls found it the perfect time to jump into the leaves. Over and over and over again.
And when she got tired of jumping and running, she laid down for a quick rest break.
And then we pushed a huge pile in front of the slide and let them have a great time! First it was down feet first, losing shoes at the bottom of the pile, walking away with leaves attached to their pants. And then, Sidney asked to go down head first. My response: "um, sure, I guess". Regan quickly followed and I'll let the pictures speak for themselves at how hard we laughed!

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