Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween celebrations continued

A local store put on a Halloween celebration and the girls were eager to dress up again in their costumes and check it out. Balloons, treat bags the size of their heads, haunted houses and decorating cookies. What a great time it was!

Sidney wanted nothing to do with their little haunted house, though it didn't phase Regan a bit. We're beginning to realize that Sidney is a little scardy-cat....a lot like me.
She was much more entertained at decorating her own cookie. Carefully putting a scoop of frosting onto the cookie, and then another into her mouth before repeating the task with sprinkles, M&M's and candy corn.
But what a gorgeous creation she made! Pretty, but apparently not very tasty to her, she took one bite and tossed it in the garbage.
Not this little girl who brought her cookie home to munch on every last bite. We had sprinkles littering the table and floor, next year I'll make them eat it at the store.

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