Friday, June 10, 2011

Slow down

I can't seem to find the "pause" button. The girls are growing up much too quickly and I'd really like for them to slow down. In just three short months, Regan will head off to Kindergarten and in exactly 3 months from today, Sidney will turn 3. How on earth did that happen?! What I wouldn't do to keep them little forever. Yes, forever. I have loved every stage they've gone through and I know so much more is to come. I'm very excited, but I will cherish this time while it lasts.
Sidney is our self-entertainer. She can play for hours on ends with dolls, kitchen creative play, barbies, books or any hodge-podge of toys she so loves. Just tonight, she sat next to me on the couch, trying hard to "just relax" (we tell her this a lot in the evenings) before bed and used her lovie as a telephone. She had an entire conversation with her lovie (it's a cloth burp rag from 3 years ago) at her ear. Oh how I loved to just listen to her imagination run wild.
And she's pretty stinkin' cute in this lovely dress that Aunt Amy brought home from Italy four years ago (for Regan at the time).
Regan is definitely our inquisitive child. She listens incredibly well, especially when she isn't necessarily supposed to be hearing the conversation. She picks up on everything, always wondering 'why?', 'how?', 'where?'. Her vocabulary amazes us and she's working on integrating new words appropriately. She's a lot like me in that she despises being alone; always asking for someone to come upstairs or downstairs with her. (I thank my brother for that lovely trait! He scared the bajeezes out of me daily). She's soooo like her daddy come morning. It takes her a very long time to wake up in the morning; there was a time when Ryan would say "don't talk to me until I get out of the shower". Yep, that's Regan!
Please girls, SLOW DOWN!
Because I'm sure enjoying the ride!

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