Friday, March 18, 2011


Today wasn't a great day for these two. They were on each other's backs ALL. DAY. LONG. You would think after spending the last 3 days in their respective school rooms, away from each other for the entire day, that they would be thrilled to spend the day playing together....right? Not so much. I blame part of it on me/Sid still under the weather with colds and the other part on winter. It warmed up this afternoon so we spent almost 2 hours playing outside, not without a little (or a lot) of whining and a few arguments. But we were outside and I was doing my best to hold it all together.
We did have to eventually come back inside because it was getting hard to breathe for the mama with a cold. Here the arguing between the cuties continued. This time, over a chair. We have 2 identical chairs at the art table. They both wanted the same one. Good grief, they sure challenge me some days.
Finally, the tantrum throwing 2 year old of the group pulled it together and was able to join us in an art activity and a short while later daddy came home so HE could deal with all their shenanigans for a while. I needed a break!
But at the end of the day, I love these two hair pulling, kicking, screaming, tantrum throwing girls more than anything. I just hope these years aren't a precursor to adolescence!

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