Friday, October 01, 2010

My favorite tree

Four years ago, I drove past this tree and fell in love. It's located in an incredibly large park not terribly far from our house. Every fall, we have gone back to find the tree, just at the right time of fall, to take pictures of the girls (see previous post). This year, I managed to make another memory out of it....not a good one. I lost Regan's glasses. I had taken them off for pictures. We eventually made our way over to the swings, then to the playground, and when we were leaving, I noticed they were missing. For 30 L-O-N-G minutes, we searched the ground; back tracked three times, asked a lovely mother pushing her little boy in the swing, but without luck. Drawing a deep breath, I called Ryan to share the bad news. He suggested we get on ground level to look (we had already done this), but I did it again. I bent down, Sidney walked up to me, and when I looked down by our shoes, there they were nestled between us; we all screamed for joy!!! Thankfully this tree remains a good memory :)

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