Friday, July 02, 2010

On the go!

I didn't want to waste my "stay-cation" by sitting around the house, so the girls and I have been busy busy busy this past week. Not to worry, we run ourselves silly in the morning and then play around home all afternoon; it's been a good combination. We headed over to Centennial Lakes area yesterday morning for a stroll, bike ride and relaxation by the water.

They tried desperately to reach the fountain without going in and surprisingly eventually gave up defeated. There was so much else to see it didn't seem to bother them.
Regan raced ahead of me and Sidney on her bike. She enjoyed the sights and sounds and all the fresh air.
Then she got tired of my camera and refused to look at me. That's ok, sweetie, we can take cute pictures like this too :)
We've had lots of visitors this week too. One night, our former neighbors came down to splash in the pool and catch up. We sure miss hanging out with them at the park everyday!

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