Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hermann fun

I, along with both grandmas took the girls to Hermann Monument (otherwise known as "Hermann the German" to all those from New Ulm) while Ryan golfed (and drank!) the morning/afternoon away. Regan has been asking to see this thing up close for a very long time, and given that it was the 2000th (yes, two thousand year) celebration/anniversary, it was the perfect time for a trip up to the top! Here's some photos of us along the way.
Regan thinks we should all have spiral staircases in our houses now.

This is what we had to climb through to get to the very top. Getting up was easy, no one thought ahead about how we were going to get both girls back down again!

Grandma Jan's fear of heights got the best of her and she waited for us at the bottom. I don't know how she made it to the top of the Eiffel Tower a few years back! Apparently I put more pressure on her then :)

Sidney loved the views from the top....well, maybe love is a strong word. She had a "death grip" on me for a long time.

Views from the top! So much fun!!

Thank goodness Papa made us a fire while we waited TWO hours for those celebration fireworks to start! And wouldn't you know it, we had given up and were pulling away in our car just as they started. Unfortunately, Regan had already lost interest in the idea of fireworks and was less than thrilled to see them.