Saturday, June 20, 2009


Someday she'll kill me for taking this picture (Papa, think balloon in my mouth). But for now, we couldn't resist! Unfortunately, there's a story behind the sneeze in that she has a cold and the start of an ear infection. Yesterday she woke up with gunk coming out of her eye and we chalked it up to teeth. Then after nap, her eye was caked shut with gunk so we went into the doctor for an ear check. There's fluid in her ear, but it's not yet infected. Thankfully the on-call doctor realized I didn't need to come back to Urgent Care over the weekend (and pay another co-pay!) when it was finally infected so she prescribed antibiotics to treat. We go back on Monday for her 9 month appointment with her regular doctor so we'll see how she's doing then. She slept terribly last night, and consequently so did we, and she's been tugging at her ear this morning. Poor girl.

1 comment:

Hudson and Paxton said...

We know just how she feels in this house! Hope she feels all better soon!