Wednesday, June 10, 2009

9 months old!

Sidney turned 9 months old today! Seems like just yesterday she was a tiny newborn baby. These last 9 months have gone by so fast. Here's a little bit about what she's doing at 9 months:
* rolls over like crazy
* crawls / scoots while laying on the bed (grabs the blanket and pulls herself along!)
* enjoys walking around holding someone's fingers
* stranger / separation anxiety is peaking
* giggles whenever Regan is around
* still sticks everything into her mouth (food and toys)
* less interested in baby food, wants whatever the rest of us are having
* favorite thing to do.....swing at the park!
Her stats:
16 lbs 1 oz (last week at the doctor's office)
~28 inches
We won't get her official 9 month stats until her check up in a couple of weeks, but according to the ones above, she's definately a peanut! Her weight puts her under 10th percentile and her height puts her around 50th percentile. It's no wonder all of her pants fall down from her waist :)

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