Wednesday, August 05, 2020

July recap

July came and went, as it always does, simply too fast. I love summer, it is my absolute favorite. The sun on my face, the long hours of daylight and never having to feel chilly! Being in a pandemic doesn't change that for me at all. We spent as much time this July as possible soaking in the sun, swimming and watching (or playing ball). 

Game break social distancing. No playing with new friends or running at the playground. 
Strawberry picking. Best social distancing activity! 
Late night, waiting on Ryan’s firework display 
Like father like son
New moves off the diving board. Feeling blessed to have the pool this year while safe at home. 

Our safe social "bubble" remained incredibly small, and consisted of one friend for each kid, plus Regan's softball team. And boy are we glad she has an amazing team, because we have been spending a lot of time with them! Mostly always outdoors of course :)  Sidney's season was cut to 3 weeks due to the pandemic as well as a significant financial theft from her association. However, Regan's club coach has invited Sidney to attend practices. It's turned into so much more than just helping, and Sidney is receiving 1:1 instructions from some amazingly talented coaching staff. We are forever grateful. 

Lost a couple teeth this summer 
Regan umping  Sidney’s sole scrimmage this summer 
More moves off the board, catching some mad air! 
Cutest pitcher around 
Burning energy in the pool
Biking around the fields because he isn’t allowed on the playground. I scored a new helmet and he loves it 
Regans team took first in our bracket at state. So much fun to watch these girls play. 
Sidney’s “team photo” after winning their scrimmage 
Lincoln learned to dive; totally self taught!

Regan’s team made the decision to travel south to Missouri for a national tournament. While we were nervous to leave the safety of home, we took every precaution possible and made the most of our road trip. I packed cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer and even a UV light to disinfect the hotel room (thanks mom!). We were cautious and mindful but able to enjoy the heat and humidity of Missouri. The tournament was tough, but the bonds we created with teammates and friends made it all worthwhile. 

Team bonding, plus Lincoln and Sidney 
Ryan and Amy Lou deciding on the best KC barbecue that will deliver to our hotel. 
Catching on that turf was HOT. 150 degrees according to the tournament director. 
The outcome was not great, but the experience was wonderful. 
Grab and go breakfast bar, masked 
It. Was. Hot. 
Huddle up girls. 
Our only dinner out since this pandemic started. Regan’s coach knows me well...knew this was breaking every rule in my book as she watched me bathe in hand sanitizer throughout dinner. 

We sure miss having family friends over each weekend to swim and grill. We miss seeing family. We miss a super busy social calendar. Yet we are reminded daily this pandemic is not over. And we must not become complacent. We still have groceries delivered. Everyday is a bit like Christmas with all of the Target/Amazon/online deliveries. We both work from home. We rarely get take out. 
For the most part, we remain at home or outside. August is bringing a new set of concerns with discussions about return to school and return to work in the hospital. One day at a time over here. 


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