Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Start of a new school year

I keep hearing to give ourselves grace during these unusual times; so I'm trying. But failing miserably. This whole distance learning is giving me a run for my money. And we're only one day into the school year. Sadly our kiddos won't even get to meet their teachers in person, seeing as though our district moved us to distance learning before we even started hybrid. 

We started today off and within minutes (literally), I was in tears. It was no fun. Trying to work and teach is nearly impossible. Yes, I am a teacher to Lincoln; there is no other way to put it. These little kids can't navigate these platforms on their own, nor get their work done without instruction and help from a parent. So I teach. And I work. And I cry because it's a lot to manage. 
So here is his first day of school picture, because I failed at taking a real one. 
He looks like he's loving it. (insert eye roll)..he's not. He hated it. Rolled around on the ground, refused to listen to the (pre-recorded) story and only finished his assignment because I told him he couldn't go to hockey if it wasn't complete. 
It's going to be a long year. 

Sidney had slightly fewer tears, but they still rolled down her cheeks as she tried to navigate these new middle school platforms. She was eager to get online, but her excitement faded as she became overwhelmed with needing to go from one google meet to the next. We later joked that she will still have to raise her hand to use the bathroom, even though she's in her own house! 

Regan scored the best of them all today. Her distance learning started, but the assignment was to go to the school, pick up her materials and have her school picture taken. 
Wouldn't you know it she coordinated a time to meet up with some besties because "you can't show up alone mom!". 
I guess since I got one decent picture I'll call it a win for the day (even though I forgot to take a solo picture of Regan). 

And thank goodness for awesome friends who show up at softball practice with a special "beverage" in hand to help me celebrate just making it through the day. 
Cheers to the start of this most unusual school year. 


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