Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Sidney is 11!

Sidney turned 11 last month! She's growing up so fast and we have some mixed feelings about another teenage girl in the house....(pray for us!).
In one moment, she can be sweet and adorable, teaching Lincoln in their make believe "school" and in the next she can be crying, upset and frustrated with life. These pre-teen (and teenage) years are exhausting and uplifting all at the same time.

Sidney's actual birthday fell on a school day, so in true tradition, we met up with her at lunch. I'll be honest, it's a hassle for me to drag myself across the city, in the middle of the day to pop in for a 20 minute lunch. I have to re-arrange my entire day and put a pause on seeing patients for several hours due to travel time. But the smile across her face each and every year makes it completely worth it. These years go by fast.

We went out for dinner a few days prior to celebrate her birthday (because she had softball practice on her actual big day). She scored a pretty big dessert; that thing was the size of her head!

And she got this big surprise on another birthday dinner! She's one lucky girl!

Most days people tell us "she is something else" because she really is.
She's sassy and adorable and we love her to pieces!

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