Sunday, December 30, 2018

Christmas time

Working in healthcare, we don't have many perks around the holidays. 
We work while everyone else gets to spend the day with loved ones. I heard friends talking about how they were spending Christmas eve and it made me sad to think I was heading into work.
But that's what we do in the mission to "Make Lives Work" at Courage Kenny. 

So I put on my smile and drove in bright and early. I managed to get a lot accomplished in just the first few hours of the day and had more than one "thank you so much for your help" from my patients and families. Thankfully I was able to sneak out a few hours early and in an effort to make up for lost time with the family on Christmas eve, I made a pit-stop for coffee frappes on my way home :)
Let's just say I was greeted with some really big THANK YOU's! from the girls.

The best I could do was get the three kids together for a photo on Christmas eve. Regan refused to change into something other than comfy clothes, Sidney put on her Santa Vineyard Vines shirt and claimed to be festive, and Lincoln wouldn't let go of the reindeer that accompanied Ellie since it was the only day of the season he could touch her. 
I'll take what I can get. 

Yes, the reindeer and Ellie even made the family picture. 
Whatever. We're all looking at the camera and we're all smiling. It's a win in my book!

I didn't even pull out my camera on Christmas eve. I guess that means we enjoyed some family time instead. We ate, shared gifts with Ryan's parents and Lincoln opened this gigantic tiger that roars and had me take his photo in action. Isn't he scary!?

Before they climbed into bed for the night, I insisted on my traditional photo of the kids in front of the tree. It's so magical to see Christmas through the eyes of a child. Lincoln is so delighted in the excitement and wonder. And I love to listen to him as we drove through the neighborhood, telling  me how beautiful each house was with all of the lights. 

Bright and early Christmas morning we woke up to presents from Santa. He ate our cookies, the reindeer ate our carrots, and Ellie disappeared through the frosted glass on the sliding door. Magical and glee was all around us. 
Lincoln scored big with hockey skates and a helmet, which he proceeded to wear while opening the remainder of his gifts :) 

Sidney had begged for an Alexa from Santa, and was disappointed in that she didn't think it would be gifted. Her face was priceless upon opening! 

We shared the rest of the day with Hope and my mom with a sprinkle of facetime with Ben out east. Some of us wore ugly sweaters, but mom insists her Bon Jovi sweater was most certainly not ugly!

And looking at this photo below, I'm pretty sure Sidney is holding one of Papa Leo's favorite holiday toy....the Santa that toots! 

Thanks for the memories, it was a wonderful holiday season 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: Thank you too.