Monday, December 03, 2018

A boy (and girls’) best friend

Angie and I got together and decided that Baylor was in need of another sleepover:) I kept it a secret from the whole family, only clueing Ryan in at the last minute. He wasn’t thrilled, but I knew the kiddos would be ecstatic! 
And let me just say, the look on their faces was better than Christmas morning!! 

Angie opted to quickly drop him off, so without anyone knowing, I snuck outside to get him. Sidney was the first to be greeted when we came inside and may have shrieked a little! We then found Regan who was hiding out in her room during Lincoln’s nap. She had heard something strange coming towards her room, looked up as he bolted in and she too screamed with excitement! She immediately shut her computer and hopped on the floor to play with him. My heart melted for the love these two have for him. 
Once Lincoln woke from his nap, Sidney told him to come down and a surprise was waiting for him. He was so giddy sliding down the stairs, and screamed “BAYLOR!, you didn’t tell me Baylor would be here!”  

Baylor was just as happy as the kids and begged to play fetch for what felt like hours on end. He’d stand at the door, whimper (which threw Ryan into a panic of “he’s gonna pee in the house!) and wait for the next willing person to go play with him in the frigid air. When nightfall came, we switched to ball inside which wasn’t nearly as fun. 

And as we all know, he’s a scavenger when it comes to food. He stood there with his puppy eyes, just praying ryan would feed him. Sorry buddy! 

Sadly we had to say goodbye in the morning as I brought him back to work for Angie. Let’s just say re-entry has been tough...despite being clipped to her wheelchair 2 offices down, he finds his way into my space and can often be found just like this at my feet. I’m  so happy to be his “auntie Liz”! 

Lincoln has asked no fewer than 300 times when Baylor will come back: “a different day mommy?!” Yes buddy, a different day :) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: There would not be excitement if you had your own puppy. It would get old. So, it is nice that you get to have Baylor for sleepovers, now and then.