Monday, October 29, 2018

Apple orchard fun

We picked a chilly weekend day early in October and headed to an apple orchard, fall festival event. We raced around from activity to activity while trying to stay warm. Lincoln was in his glory being able to run all over the place, the kid has one speed: FAST! And he never turns off. 

They didn’t last terribly long on the jumping pillow without their shoes providing some warmth. Regan showed off  some  of her dance moves to us. I didn't catch a picture of Sidney, but she had a heck of a time just getting up onto the top...something about her slipper socks and being so scrawny she could not pull herself up. Even the staff was getting a good laugh :) 

The girls and I went apple picking, one of Sidney’s favorite things to’s an apple orchard of course! It was muddy but we enjoyed finding some of the most delicious apples in the orchard! 

I do think Lincoln would've lasted much longer than the girls. He's at the prime age for these types of things, and the girls....well, they have fun for a while! 

Someone broke her Braces Code of Conduct and maybe taste tested a tiny apple just to be sure it was good ;)  

Sadly I didn't get a picture of all of us, you'll have to trust that Ryan was there too :) 

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