Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Work a little, play a lot

When dad left us last year, I kinda knew my role would be to help mom (when time permitted) with projects she needed just a little extra help with (because thanks to a large extended family, she has had help with the bigger projects). 
So when she asked me to come down to help her with some things, the kids and I packed up and headed down one weekday. I got them super excited as I promised a stop at Minnesota's Largest Candy Store on the way.
This place does not disappoint! Sidney was giddy with excitement as we neared, worried continuously that I had missed the turn somehow. How on earth do you miss that gigantic yellow barn!? 

Everyone picked out their favorites for the day, and of course, Lincoln found a $6 container of all orange M&M's. I had to laugh...."$6!??!"
To which Regan replied "because someone did the work for you and picked out his favorite color".
Good point, he was in orange heaven!

We finished the trek to Grandma Jan's house, taking the scenic route due to detours and hearing some complaints from the backseat :)
As we walked in the house, Lincoln looked around and asked:
"Where is Papa Leo?"
long pause....
"Is he still in heaven?"
My mom replies: "Yep, he is"
big groan "UGH!, when is he gonna be back?!?"
As if he is on a vacation.
Our heart strings are pulled out every time. But I'm glad he still thinks about Papa Leo, especially wondering where he is when he can't find him in his usual spots.

I didn't take many pictures of my busy babies at work. We dug out pavers, laid rock, sprayed weeds and threatened to perch myself above a set of stairs to finish a painting project (mom vetoed my plan with a stern: "Liz, no!").

Loved having these two helpers, their teamwork was exceptional!

Unfortunately for me, while we were busy in the yard, Lincoln noticed his fishing pole hanging in the garage and insisted we go fishing after the work was over. (I don't love fishing...especially in the river).
So we set out on an adventure, and trekked through the woods as though we were on Naked and Afraid (except no one was Naked and no one was really Afraid...but our family loves that show so we had fun pretending).

I'm pretty sure I have never fished in the Cottonwood River. And I'm 100% certain that mom and I were happy the only things the kids caught were weeds.
Because ewwww. Gross. 

Ahhh, yes, I took one for the team here. The bugs were horrendous.
The polar opposite expressions in this photo just crack me up.
Lincoln was focused and determined, having a lovely time.
I was bundled up and begging to leave :)

Finally after only catching sludge from the river, the kiddos were ready to pack up and take our adventures to the nearby brewery. We shopped (thanks mom!) and took a stroll through the park, admiring the flowers and posing for some silly pictures.

Awww, such a sweet picture. Minus Regan photo-bombing in the background :)

Honestly these kids were being complete goofballs! We had a great time and I just loved that at least they were allowing me to photo them, even though they were making silly faces.

Isn't that so much better? Boy are they getting big, and so stinkin' adorable.

After all of that whoopla and action, this little buddy couldn't handle it and zonked out in the car. The girls couldn't get enough of his peaceful sleeping. I love that they love a sleeping child as much as I do. There's something so sweet and innocent about a sleeping kiddo :) 

We had a busy jam-packed full of work and adventure sort of trip.
It's a good lesson for the kids, work a little, play a lot! 

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