Monday, November 20, 2017

School life lately

We continue to try to squeeze everything in during what has turned out to be an incredibly busy school year. The girls are thriving in their respective grades, doing well and enjoying (for the most part) the school year. Regan is learning all about middle school and continues to need a lot of help with homework (she has A LOT), as she would prefer to chase Lincoln around the house or create new slime. Staying on task is not her forte when there's something more exciting to be doing (stealing my phone and taking selfies!). Now when it's a project she enjoys (like art), she will sit and work for hours on end.

Sidney is the polar opposite of her big sister. She is prepared and organized and insistent on completing her homework, mostly on her own, and often days in advance. Sure she needs some help at times, and we recite spelling words, but she usually is the one to remind us to help her practice. She is one organized little girl and I am forever thankful for that amazing trait she holds.

And then there's our little man, who is learning all about scissors and colors and glue and how to follow instructions. He tries so hard in his preschool class, brings home all sorts of fun art projects, but we all know he would much rather be running around on the playground! Don't get me wrong, they do plenty of running during the day and he is part of a great curriculum. He is loving being one of the "big kids" at his school and all of the freedom and additional toys he gets to experience.

Ryan and I spend our days working hard and rarely have a moment to connect during the work day. It's wild how busy we both have become at work this year. A new role landed in my lap a couple of months ago, so I'm still learning and trying to be successful. And Ryan's in the midst of planning season...I don't need to say anymore :) We race here and there in the evenings: from dance to gymnastics, or softball clinics to orthodontist appointments. Sometimes I feel that I'm failing in all aspects of life, mother, daughter, wife, friend, employee, coworker, etc because I simply ran out of time at the end of the day. We are busy and hearts are full as we ride this wave we call life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: Enjoy every moment you have with family. Love all the pictures and updates, especially the last picture.