Monday, September 25, 2017

This little boy

The little boy who melts our hearts, day in and day out. 
The one who tests our patience and pushes the limits. 
He's sweet and kind and horrible and naughty, all wrapped up into one. 

I don't wear rose colored glasses...this little boy drives me batty sometimes! Really, I could cry at how naughty he can be (typical preschool behavior, don't get terribly alarmed as I'm being overly dramatic..... like running at lightening speed through Kohl's giggling as I dodge racks and storage carts trying to catch up to him!). But man alive he is sweet as sweet can be sometimes. And I know just how precious these years are, seeing as though we have one already in middle school. 

So lately, I am doing my best to s-l-o-w down. Like really slow down and "smell the roses". It's not easy, but now with the end of softball, I hope to find more time to just 'be'. Most recently, our bedtime routine is one that brings me back to his newborn days when I found myself gently running my finger across his cheeks and eyelids as they fell heavy and he would fall asleep. He's now requesting I do this to him....."wets do dat to my face" referring to wanting his face tickled. And I can watch his body relax as his eyelids fall heavy again, just like they did when I could cradle him in one arm. 

He's just so darn adorable, at the end of the day, it really makes all the naughty go away. Especially when he presents me with a "welly pwetty fower for you" (really pretty flower for you). 
Oh my sweet little boy, we love you so much!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: We do not remember days, we remember moments. Embrace them.