Sunday, June 26, 2016

Through their eyes

We took a quick trip down to New Ulm last weekend, and couldn't pass up a visit to Herman the German. The kiddos love going up all of those stairs and seeing the town from up above. 

Ryan and I have to laugh, that this was a trip we took countless times growing up. My childhood home was not terribly far from Herman and I remember going there over and over as a kid. And to our kids, it is such a special experience; each and every time. 

I just love their smiles. 
And how we get to see something through their eyes. This time, Lincoln looked at those lions (pictured below) and commented that it was the "lions butt" in his face. 
Thanks for that comment buddy :) 

We headed over to Hudson's birthday party after Herman and Lincoln spent the bulk of the afternoon jumping on the trampoline despite the 90F heat. His hair was a curly humid mess!

These cuties help us see life through their eyes and we are so grateful for them!

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