Friday, May 06, 2016

Sidney, Sidney, Sidney

This girl.
I tell you she is a funny thing.
On any given day, she will make us laugh until we nearly pee our pants.
Like when she walked around the corner and out of the blue, struck this pose.

She is fierce and stubborn and fun and creative all wrapped into one. She adores her brother to pieces and then purposely teases him to no end like only a big sister would do.
She has sass and flair and a zest for life.
She is a leader with her peers and likes it that way. Today I showed up to watch her class run the mile and one friend asked "can I take off my t-shirt now?" (she had a tank under) and another girl saw my face and said "Sidney is our leader".
Say what!? We'll have a chat about that one tonight.
Thank goodness she is sweet underneath it all!

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