Monday, May 09, 2016

growing up

As graduation season is upon us, I'm reminded at just how quickly these little people grow up. And as I reflect on the last 2 (actually 10) years, I am doing all that I can to hold on for dear life. In particular, to this little baby boy of ours who is growing up just as fast as his big sisters. 

I remember hearing things like "the days are long, but the years are short" when we first had Regan (note, I come into contact with many older folks who dished out wisdom whether I wanted it or not). Well you know what, they were right. 
All 3 kiddos are growing up much too fast, and so I'm soaking it up and trying hard to pay attention to the little things.
The chubby toes. 
The way his feet hit the ground when he's barefoot. 
His tiny short fingers and the way he rubs all around to the backs of his hands when he washes. 
His curls. Oh those curls. 
His most sweet voice. 
And the way he says "pea bucker" (peanut butter), "bu-do-der" (bulldozer) and "bwess you". 
Over and over he says "bwess you". Whether you sneeze, cough or sniffle a little (mind you we are heavy into spring allergy season over here!). He will stop a full blown cry to say "bwess you". 
And you MUST say thank you. Or he just gets louder BWESS YOU! 
We're working on this....because frankly it's a little annoying. 

I think this is his new favorite position. I can't usually get down with him at this level, because it means he is in his zone and he generally prefers to play solo like this. But lately he's been inviting me onto the floor with him. And I'm reminding myself at just how quickly this phase will pass; and the laundry (or cleaning or paperwork) will wait. 
So I join him, and capture his playtime so I can remember. Because in 16 short years, it will be his turn to graduate. 

~Love you my sweet baby boy~

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