Friday, February 19, 2016

Regan is 10

Well it happened. Our biggest little person has turned 10. Double digits. Someone just asked me how that feels. And the answer, is a flood of emotions. I'm so proud of her, and so excited to have more grown-up conversations with her. But on the flip side, it really does feel like last week she was our little toddler. A girl who loved to dance and sing, do arts and crafts at the kitchen table and the baby who never wanted to be held (that was such a sad part of her newborn stage). We had a fun tubing party with her friends the weekend she was turning 10. It also happened to be one of the coldest days of the year. But let's face it, kids don't care about cold and they had a great time! 

For her birthday, we decided it was time to change up her room from the pastel little kid room, to the pre-teen double digit decor. She got to help with the planning, and the night before her big day, we transformed it while she slept. Her most favorite part is the biggest bean bag chair she asked to be custom made. There's still some small things to add, but she scored her own desk and her very own garbage can (which has been a huge source of stress for Sidney because she wants her own garbage can!). Yes folks, we have tears over garbage cans here. 

I'm hoping that turning 10 will also bring a little more responsibility for herself and her school work rather than the constant nagging by her awesome parents :) Wish us luck! Happy birthday Regan! We love you forever! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ. I hope you saved a cupcake for me. If not, we will have to make some more. Hope you had a great birthday. Love you.