Sunday, February 14, 2016

Birthday Eve

It's another birthday eve tonight; this time, we will wake up tomorrow to celebrate Regan. Tonight, she falls asleep in the single digits for the last time. Almost a rite of passage to turn 10. For both her and me! Thinking back 10 years. All the tears (out of both of us!), the laughs, the happiness and joy that we have experienced in those 10 years is incredible. Parenthood has been a journey like none other. One that only a parent can understand. 

I recall her birth story like it was yesterday. Coming 4 weeks early (that little peanut wasn't due until March 13th!); but clearly ready to face the world. I remember details like opening a door inside the hospital only to see my own doctor standing in front of me, where we exchanged "what are you doing here's?!" Or the ugly purple run down house that I stared at out the window while getting an epidural. Or that immense feeling of love when they placed her on my chest with a delight of "it's a girl!" And Ryan's immediate comment to the doctor that "she's going to date!", to which she laughed and reminded him that she wasn't yet a minute old....we had time. 

Oh, but that time slips by so quickly. And before you know it, she's turning 10. I don't think you ever stop parenting, and I look forward to whatever the next 10 (20 and 30) years bring our way. Happy Birthday Eve Regan! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ. We are so very proud of the sweet young girl you are Regan. We love you to the moon & back. Happy Birthday. Wow. 10.