Sunday, February 07, 2016

A new sport

I strive to expose the kids to a variety of sports. Let them try things (at least once) before making a decision about actually taking up interest. Sometimes, despite the battles it takes, I hit the nail on the head. 
And this time, I even surprised myself! 

I don't like winter much. I don't like cold. But if there is one thing I do like about snow, it's downhill skiing. But I'm no pro, so I knew that waiting for the kids to get a little older was in my best interest. Finally, this winter, I asked the girls if I could sign them up for skiing lessons. Ryan complained (it's expensive, they're involved in a lot already, and aren't they too young!?). 
Although there were tons of nerves and maybe a little whining this morning, an hour on the hill and they were both hooked! 

And good!

I truly was in awe at how well they both did. After their lessons, I couldn't get them off the hill! They spent another 1.5 hours going up and down, up and down. Don't get me wrong, they have a lot to learn yet as they only worked at the bunny hill today. But they loved every second and are so excited for next week! 
Click HERE and HERE to watch each of them in action. 

Way to go girls! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ -wow, they look so natural doing it. Good for you.