Saturday, August 15, 2015

Growing and learning

With each child, I have always received (and actually read) the weekly emails about their new developments and abilities. This third time around, those emails serve as a reminder of things to help Lincoln master that are developmentally appropriate (ie: he's mastered use of a spoon and it's beyond exciting!). Ryan never read the emails and stopped getting them altogether at some point along this journey of parenthood. So he gets super shocked to discover Lincoln can do something. 

Weeks ago, there was a sentence in one of those emails that he will likely be able to stack blocks up to 7 or 8. And so, we started working on this task and he would get so excited! I watched as his tiny chubby fingers would set each block ever so delicately onto his tower. And with each one, his arms would go into the air as if to declare "SCORE!". 

It wasn't long before he got real good! 
Ryan called me one day after he dropped the kiddos at their summer programming, with an excitement in his voice "Lincoln can stack blocks like 9 or 10 tall!!".
He was mighty impressed :) 

And the look on Lincoln's face when they all topple over is sure something! He just loves hearing the crash of the blocks and is eager to start all over again :)

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