Friday, June 05, 2015

Hello Summer!

We wrapped up school this year and said hello to summer in true summer fashion! I received a call last week from one of Regan's friends asking if he could take her on the last day of school for a surprise ride!! Oh  my goodness!....I knew how excited she was going to be when she got picked up in a limo!

Each kid took a turn hanging their head out the window, and I was quick enough to snap a picture of Regan!
(not in love that she's wearing her "mustasche" from the class party earlier in the day!).
They departed for an ice cream treat and all the heads of the kids turned  as they walked to their buses, what a fun experience for Regan and her friends!

Sid wasn't in the mood for any more pictures after her graduation the day before. She smiled, but thought if she closed her eyes tight that I couldn't take a picture....wrong! 
I love her little scrunched up face with an "I'm not looking at you" thought in her mind. 

And since the girls' summer programming doesn't start until next week, I opted for some play and fun in the sun with a long weekend. Thankfully the sun came out and we cranked up the pool heater (crank is an understatement....20 degree jump is going to be a pricey bill!). But we had a blast swimming around for the afternoon! 

I'm not sure what all our summer has in store for us, but we're gearing up for a lot of fun, and some learning sprinkled in between so as to avoid the dreadful 'summer slip'. Here's to some fun learning! 

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