Monday, June 08, 2015

All the way from Thailand

Uncle Shane came to town and stopped in for a quick overnight. The kids are always happy to have him around and Ryan/I enjoy his late night stories ;) we sure miss having him around all of the time and his 2am light the grill for dinner (no joke!). 

Whenever he comes, he brings some sort of cute item for the girls...all the way from Thailand! This time is was a necklace with a Buddah. They wear them with pride and always feel special that he thinks to bring them a little something. 

He brought us a "gift" too this trip...and I think he tried poisoning me! Oh my goodness sakes, if you have never tried the fruit durian, keep it that way. It's like eating gasoline laced with antifreeze and rubbing alcohol. I've never had anything so awful in my life! And I'll try most anything (non meat). He couldn't bring the real deal, so apparently freeze dried was the next best option. Who chooses to buy this stuff that they actually have options: freeze dried, paste, chips. Ick! 

The horrible flavor lingered in my mouth for hours despite trying to get rid of it with jalenpeno Cheetos, mentos, mints, water, frosted flakes, and gum. It's awful stuff! But thanks for thinking of us and sharing Shane! Looking forward to your next visit! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: won't be trying any more treats from Shane. No thanks. Yuk.