Thursday, January 29, 2015

Winter Wonderland: Dance Recital 2015

Sweet Sidney met two of her bestest friends when she was just a wee baby: Natalie and Madalyn. These two have topped her list for the last 6 years and continue to influence her choices in activities. So when their moms said that they would again be signing up for dance classes this school year, Sidney was quick to jump on that bandwagon. Keep in mind, this is our dear middle child who tried dance for a year and wanted nothing to do with the whole practice part of class, only the performance. But when she learned that she would be in class with her besties, she was all over it. 

And so, we signed her up and she's been in heaven every week when she is reunited with two of her most favorite girls in the world. These 3 have since split up into attending 3 different elementary schools (due to geographic location of our homes), so it truly is a reunion each week. Last weekend, the dance studio held it's annual Winter Wonderland show with the K-1 bunch doing a dance to "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas".
Oh boy were they ever cute! The show is the same year after year, so we've seen Regan do the same dance for 2 years, and now it was Sidney's turn to shine up on stage. And to say she loved it is an understatement! We are so proud of our little hippo! 
Click HERE to watch her video. She starts out in the back and can be hard to see (I took this during dress rehearsal), but moves to the front part way through the song. 
Way to go Sidney! You did great!!

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