Thursday, January 29, 2015

15 months

Wowzas, this little man is growing up.

He's 15 months already.
Where oh where did that time go...

He has blessed our family in so many ways. And we love him to pieces.

Just this morning, the girls were fighting over who got to put on his jacket and hat to walk out the door. He is loved that much. And now that Sidney has figured out how to pick him up (yes, she carries him around even though he's at least half her size), she loves having her "baby" to coddle. And she pouts that she can't hold him like we could when he was a wee baby.....I have those same feelings Sidney and I know Regan feels the same.

At 15 months he is busy. And so much more mobile, the boy is into everything.
That is not an exaggeration.
Ryan has been noted more than once to grumble loudly at the mess created by this lovely 15 month old. And I am quick to announce that he has been declared our "bull in a china shop". My goodness can this kid make a disaster in 2 seconds flat! He will plow through neatly arranged Barbie set-ups, school papers and kitchen cabinets and literally tear them apart without a care in the world. 

But we wouldn't change our life for a second. His quick smile, deep giggle and emerging vocalization is enough to make your heart melt and forget all about the mess. 

Here's a little snapshot of what he does at 15 months: 
* Sleeps terribly, after being hit in November with a respiratory virus, his sleep pattern went downhill and has never really gotten better. He goes to sleep in our bedroom (in his own bed), but will wake a few hours into his slumber with a mega fuss and insist on being held, or moved into our bed. Judge as you may, but we do what works for us and at that point in the night, sleep is our priority. 
* Eats like a champ. Mostly fruit but also appreciates whatever else we will hand him. But when he's done, he's done. And everything left on his tray will be thrown with his left hand across his body and land on whoever is sitting to the right of him (sorry Sidney, this happens to be where you pick to sit at our dinner table). She recently pushed her own plate of food away declaring to be done after Lincoln launched a noodle at her and it landed on her plate...yea, she was finished :) 
* Speaking of throwing, he's a South Paw by every definition. 
* Loves being outside. It's winter, and often cold. But that hasn't stopped him, he loves being outside. I know, I know, I'm the parent and could just bring him inside. But I have to agree with him that being outside (even in the cold) is much preferred over being inside. Fresh air does us so  much good. So each day when we get home, I'm prepared to stand around outside for a while as he walks around, waves at the busses and begs to go in his red car or sled. 
* Still likes to splash in the tub. When the water turns cold, he pulls the plug but stays in until the water is gone. Silly boy will just sit and grin at me.
* Can sign "more", "water", "all done" and "please"....oh boy does that "please" really get to my heart. 
* Can say "mom", "dad" and "hot". Just tonight he told me "moo" when we were reading about cows. 
* Loves to dance, or rather be held while I dance. Many nights over the last week, I have danced him to sleep. And it's our favorite time of the day. He walks over to the music and I know the drill. I will with him in my arms for hours, and he lets me. We sway back and forth and I'm certain the neighbors think I'm crazy dancing all evening with this sweet boy. Our home can feel like a fish bowl sometimes.
* Still wears size 3 Pampers and has gone up to most all size 18 month clothing.
* This week, he got yet another ear infection. Other ear as the one 3 weeks ago. Only a matter of time before we go for ear tube surgery take 2.
* He weighs 24 lbs 12 oz (which is up just one ounce from his one year appointment) putting him in the 77%tile.
* Height is 32" putting him in the 78%tile

He's our favorite one year old around and we couldn't love him any more if we tried. 
But we will try anyway. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: Love you too grandson. We are so happy to watch you grow.