Sunday, December 21, 2014

House guest

We were blessed to welcome Ryan's cousin's dog, Nala, into our house last weekend. I'm telling you, if I could clone her, I would be begging Ryan for a dog! All 3 of our little ones adore her. Regan was most excited to just snuggle up on the couch together. 
As for Lincoln...well he likes to chase her. What you can't see in this picture is Nala perched atop the couch. Lincoln was heading straight towards her, giggly and jibbering the whole way. 
Shockingly, Sidney sat down long enough to have Nala curl up beside her too. Sid didn't sit long though, and then she got frustrated that her fluffy companion wouldn't stay with her. 
Thank you Maddi for letting us have your baby for a little! We love her to pieces! 

1 comment:

Maddi said...

Of course!!! THANK YOU!!! :)