Sunday, December 21, 2014

Almost Christmas

As we get closer and closer to Christmas, the girls have reminded us that we haven't done this, or haven't done that. And so, it was time to get busy checking off their "to do" lists. Afterall, this season is about family time, making memories and traditions. 
First up: reindeer food. Each one packed up a small amount of "reindeer food". It was a bit spur of the moment and I was trying to think quickly so Santa will be feeding them oats, popcorn kernels, seeds with a dash of sprinkles. 

It'll work

From there it was on to the beloved gingerbread house. Each year, we purchase a kit and the girls share in the task of decorating. Never have they asked for their own house and for this I'm thankful. Let's be real, the stuff can't taste that good that it's worth two houses. 

I love watching them work on this project. It really is a team effort as they announce what color candy they want to use and make sure there's enough for each. 

And the concentration and effort is intense. 

 They are quite proud of this house! 
I think their favorite is what comes next.... 

This is what was left after the each took a 'few' nibbles. 

With some dreary weather of rain, lack of snow, and girls with too much energy, I opted to give them a new project this weekend. I handed them each a blank canvas and told them to paint a picture.
Of winter.
Of summer. 
Of anything.
Just paint. 
Here is Regan's creation: 

And Sidney's: 
Pretty impressed at their work.

 I debated on the whole cut-out cookies, but I couldn't get the girls to let it go. 
They can be relentless! And it was "mom!, we don't have any cookies left for Santa!".
And so I caved, and they rolled, cut and baked this afternoon. 

Tonight we drove up to see the light display around Lake Phalen. It's something we started last year when Lincoln was only 2 months old and far too young to do anything outside. We all fell in love with this light display and it did not disappoint this year. 
When we got home, I had an inspiration (thank you Pinterest) to try taking Lincoln's picture in front of our lit-up tree at night. 
He's moving and so it's a little blurry, but I'm in love with the I just need to perfect it and try again. 
Christmas is near and we're feeling the love. The shopping is done, the presents are wrapped. We've seen Santa and lights, baked cookies and read stories. We sure have spent some quality family time in the last few weeks; and to me, that's the best part of this season. 

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