Monday, December 09, 2013

Meet and greet

Lincoln had a busy weekend of meet and greets. Unfortunately, Friday evening started out a little rough for the big guy. But first, he enjoyed a little play time on his Einstein mat :) 
As our Friday progressed, I noticed his left eye looking a little 'funky'. By 5:30 I knew I better get him to the doctor, which thankfully stayed open a little late for our appointment. Turns out he had an infection in his clogged tear duct. While at the doctor, they weighed him to get an accurate dosage of antibiotic eye drops. Wait for it.......he's 15 lbs!!!! And not quite 6 weeks old. 
Holy moly! The girls didn't even weigh that much at 4 months old! 
Shane told me I should get a face bra for his cheeks :) 

Although his eye was still blood shot, by Saturday, it was looking much better and his meet/greets could start. First off it was the three adorable Schwartz kids and Lincoln's Godmother, Kari. He slept for most of their visit and enjoyed some cuddles by each of them....
Lincoln and William

Lincoln and Natalie

Lincoln and Thomas
(Thomas is SOOO excited we have a boy!)

As Sunday rolled around, our visitors continued. The entire Ahlness family and their "fur" kids came to watch the Vikings game and enjoy a fun afternoon. Lincoln got passed around to everyone, and maybe spit up on a few of them too :) 

Regan got in some snuggles with her Godfather too, nestled into the corner of the couch. 

After the Ahlness family departed, we had an hour to turn the kitchen around and then enjoyed a fun pizza dinner with some good friends. 
Wow, it sure was a busy weekend but we are so glad to have such great friends and family. Thanks for venturing out on this cold weekend to come meet Lincoln! 

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