Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Into Zone Defense

When we grew from two to three kiddos, we knew we would be going from man to man defense to zone. I'd be lying if I said it was all roses, because frankly, one kid can be difficult at times. 
But my reasons for lack of posting on this blog in the last week aren't because things are crazy busy or difficult, it's because I am soaking up each and every moment of my time at home with these three. 

Much of my days are spent cuddling Lincoln, and with those squishy cheeks, who can blame me!? I keep wondering if I'm spoiling him (remember, I'm not the only one holding him all day, I have 3 other people who argue over whose turn it is), but then I read a form from a recent doctor's appointment that says "hold your baby often. You aren't spoiling him". And so, we hold, and snuggle and talk to him and love every ounce of him. 

I've tried to remember that just because we brought home a newborn, doesn't mean that the older two don't want to keep doing all the fun things we used to do. And so while I'm holding Lincoln, I will peruse Pinterest (man, I'm thankful for this!), and come up with art projects, meals/desserts and fun games. The girls were particularly happy with this project, all set up for them to dig in and work on after Regan got home from school. 

Sidney is full of energy and keeps me on my toes. She has been home with me much of my leave and I often remind myself that I need to be thankful for this extra time with her, despite my sleep deprived, wishing it were warmer, self. I'll sleep when they graduate :) 
Oh and here's the finished Pinterest project today; they turned out pretty cute! 

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